Hey, what's up?
I'm back, again. Honestly, I really gotta stop disappearing and coming back randomly like this, but I promise I was busy working. But that's still not an excuse for why I've been gone, I guess I just needed a little break. Anyway, doing well. You know working, getting enough hours of sleep, socializing. All of the things, really.
Work was really busy during January, honestly. I definitely stretched myself in more ways than I ever could, but I survived, and I'm proud of that. I kind of neglected my blog for a while through January, which is why I'm trying to catch up in February lol. And I'm already doing a great job IMO. Yesterday, I BATCHED some content with my mom, and got THREE looks shot. I'm so proud, so you'll be seeing those looks all over my Insta feed all this week.
All content this week is focused on Valentine's Day, and I loved creating this content. Probably some of my faves! I created a lookbook video for the first time, and it actually turned out so cute! I'm really about to take this create content on the weekend thing seriously because it's so much better than rushing to get stuff out midweek. The new theme for my year is #workahead2020 because we don't have time to be putting unnecessary stress on ourselves.
I guess since I'm talking about goals now, I can also talk about my goal of going to the gym more. And this weather has just been getting to me, I hate leaving the house when it's super cold to go to the gym. I just can't get with it lol, but I'm trying. I went last week, and currently have a goal of going sometime this week, so more on that soon.
And lastly, I want to talk about some of my content goals for the year. I really want to start being more consistent on both the blog and my Instagram. I need to at least be posting once a week on my blog and at least four times a week on Insta. I also want to transition over to another platform soon. Maybe starting a YouTube or getting serious about Pinterest. I want to focus on an SEO-based platform, so my content can be discovered over and over again by new audiences. With Instagram, you can't do that. Once you post something, it's not searchable. I want to create content that pops up when someone is looking for an answer to a question. I know blog posts can be SEO optimized as well, but I haven't put much focus on that and I think I'll need support from Pinterest. I'm still thinking about how exactly to execute this, but what platforms are you on? Have any of you used Tik Tok? I still have to see exactly how to use it for my platform, but I think it's hilarious. So you'll never know, maybe I'll be popping up on your Tik Tok feed soon. We will see!
Okay, this post was all over the place, but I think that's all I have to say as far as an update. Just stay tuned very soon!
Proud of you! <3